New Views, Experiential Shifts & the Craft of Zen
A journey from culture & art through the use of language to the heart of Zen Buddhism. Join Zentatsu Richard Baker Roshi in exploring the mind of meditation.
„Life begins with the Breath. Practice begins with Attention to the Breath.“
Enter the World of Zen Buddhism
…which barely fits into our cultural categories. Baker Roshi will shape language and develop perspectives that will help you see the world from a yogic point of view.
Develop the Craft of Practice
…which can be learned by cultivating ‚attentionality‘. Attention unlocks the doors to new perspectives. Let’s study how to widen our attentional bandwidth.
Connect with other Practitioners
…whom you’ll first just meet in the lectures and Q&A’s online. If you participate though, we are ready to build community around our Weekly Zen meetings.
A Path for Seekers
Sometimes, we have a question, and it’s just a matter of finding an answer. Sometimes we know there is a question, but we haven’t found it yet. We know it’s there, but we can’t quite grasp it. And sometimes, we don’t even realize there could be a question. There are questions hiding in seeming certainties. The seeker feels these questions. Seeks them. Lives them. Asks about them. In these Weekly Zen talks, Baker Roshi will explore questions: The questions of Zen and the questions of life. We hope you will join this exploration!
Greetings from Baker Roshi
Hello, my name is Richard Baker, Zentatsu Myoyu.
I am sharing teachings with you that I have received from my Teacher, Suzuki Shunryu Roshi. I met him in 1961. I saw he was the most wise, realized, and evolved person I had ever met, and I decided to commit my life to realizing what he was about, to living my life with and for him, and to helping him in any way I could during his life – and then to continuing his life and my life through his Lineage Teachings. Everything I may be able to share is arising from my Zen Practice with him. Let’s find out what this Zen Practice is about and how it can be about you!
Your Options
You can either just join the Weekly Zen Live-Streams or register for a subscription. The subscriptions can be cancelled every month - you remain completely flexible if you wish to opt out. With a subscription, you will receive the recordings and downloads (plus a surprise here and there). Thank you for your consideration!
Important: If you would like to subscribe but you don't have a credit card, please contact our office
Join for Free
Sign up and receive the links to each talk via email
You receive:
  • Access to the Weekly Zen Live-Stream: Each Sunday, 10 AM MST.
  • Access to the Q&A with Baker Roshi, following the talks.
Stream & Recordings✨
$14 per month
Can't always make it live? Subscribe for on-demand access to videos and audio! You pay for 30 days (usually 4 lectures), cancel anytime
You receive:
  • Unlimited access to video recordings of the lectures of the month you subscribed to
  • Download the audio files for flexible use on your personal devices
Weekly Zen
Enter the World of Zen Buddhism, Develop the Craft of the Practice, Connect with other Practitioners, and meet regularly (digitally) with a teacher.
Each week we will explore a new topic together: A journey from culture & art through the use of language to the heart of Zen Buddhism. We are looking forward to seeing you online!